Glossary of Aquifer Testing Terms
by Glenn M. Duffield, President, HydroSOLVE, Inc.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Anisotropy
- A physical property (e.g., hydraulic conductivity) which differs in magnitude according to direction.
- Aquiclude
- A water-bearing layer of rock or sediment that is incapable of transmitting water.
- Aquifer
- A water-bearing layer of rock or sediment capable of transmitting significant quantities of water.
- Aquifer Diffusivity
- See hydraulic diffusivity.
- Aquifer Thickness (b)
- Saturated thickness of an aquifer. [L]
- Aquifuge
- See aquiclude.
- Aquitard
- A water-bearing layer of rock or sediment that transmits small quantities of water in relation to aquifers.
- Artesian Aquifer
- A confined aquifer in which the water level in wells rises above the top of the aquifer.
- Barrier Boundary
- See no-flow boundary.
- Coefficient of Hydraulic Conductivity
- See hydraulic conductivity.
- Coefficient of Storage
- See storativity.
- Coefficient of Transmissivity
- See transmissivity.
- Confined Aquifer
- An aquifer confined between aquitards or aquicludes. See also leaky confined aquifer and nonleaky confined aquifer.
- Confining Bed
- See aquiclude and aquitard.
- Confining Unit
- See aquiclude and aquitard.
- Constant-Head Boundary
- An aquifer boundary where no drawdown occurs.
- Darcy Velocity
- See specific discharge.
- Displacement (H)
- Change in water level (rise or fall) measured from static position. [L]
- Drawdown
- Change in water level due to an external stress such as pumping. [L]
- Effective Porosity
- See specific yield.
- Filter Pack
- Material (typically sand or gravel) emplaced in well annulus around open interval of a well (e.g., well screen).
- Flowing Artesian Aquifer
- A confined aquifer in which the water level in wells rises above ground surface.
- Full Penetration
- A fully penetrating well has a perforated interval or screen extending over the full saturated thickness of an aquifer.
- Gravel Pack
- See filter pack.
- Hydraulic Conductivity (K)
- Constant of proportionality defining the specific discharge of a porous medium under a unit hydraulic gradient, . [L/T]

- Hydraulic Diffusivity (α)
- The ratio of transmissivity to storativity, . [L2/T]
- Hydraulic Gradient (i)
- Hydraulic head loss per distance, . [dimensionless]
- Initial Displacement (H0)
- Change in water level (rise or fall) measured from static position in the control well at start of a slug test. [L]
- Interference Test
- A pumping test performed with water levels recorded at one or more observation wells.
- Leakance Coefficient
- Vertical hydraulic conductivity of an aquitard divided by its thickness, . [1/T]
- Leaky Confined Aquifer
- A confined aquifer which has aquitards at its upper and/or lower boundaries.
- Line Sink
- A well represented mathematically as having an infinitesimally small radius.
- Line Source
- See line sink.
- Negative Boundary
- See no-flow boundary.
- No-Flow Boundary
- An aquifer boundary across which no flow occurs.
- Nonleaky Confined Aquifer
- A confined aquifer which has aquicludes at its upper and lower boundaries.

- Nonsteady Flow
- See transient flow.
- Normalized Head (H/H0)
- Displacement in a well divided by initial displacement. [dimensionless]
- Partial Penetration
- A partially penetrating well has a perforated interval or screen extending over a portion of the saturated thickness of an aquifer.

- Phreatic Aquifer
- See unconfined aquifer.
- Porosity (n)
- Ratio of void volume () to total volume () in a rock or unconsolidated material, . [dimensionless]
- Positive Boundary
- See constant-head boundary.
- Pumping Test
- A field experiment in which a well is pumped at a controlled rate and water levels are recorded in nearby observation wells for the purpose of estimating aquifer properties (e.g., transmissivity and storativity).

- Recharge Boundary
- See constant-head boundary.
- Residual Drawdown
- Drawdown during the recovery phase of a pumping test after pumping stops. [L]
- Sand Pack
- See filter pack.
- Specific Discharge (q)
- Flow rate per unit cross-sectional area of aquifer, . Also known as Darcy velocity or Darcy flux given by the product of hydraulic conductivity and hydraulic gradient, . [L/T]
- Specific Storage (Ss)
- Volume of water released from storage from a unit volume of aquifer per unit decline in hydraulic head. [1/L]
- Specific Yield (Sy)
- Volume of water released from storage by an unconfined aquifer per unit surface area of aquifer per unit decline of the water table. [dimensionless]

- Storativity (S)
- Volume of water released from storage by a confined aquifer per unit surface area of aquifer per unit decline in hydraulic head normal to surface equal to product of specific storage and saturated thickness, . [dimensionless]

- Storage Coefficient (S)
- See storativity.
- Transient Flow
- A flow field in which the flow velocity at any given point changes with time.
- Transmissivity (T)
- The product of hydraulic conductivity and saturated thickness, . [L2/T]

- Unconfined Aquifer
- An aquifer which has a water table forming its upper boundary.

- Unsteady Flow
- See transient flow.
- Water Table
- The surface in a porous medium on which fluid pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure.
- Water-Table Aquifer
- See unconfined aquifer.