Curve Matching Tools
And Flexible
Aquifer test interpretation software should enhance rather than limit how you analyze your data.
That's why AQTESOLV pioneered the integration of visual and automatic curve matching methods into a single software package for fast, flexible and efficient interpretation of aquifer test data.
Curve Matching
AQTESOLV uses nonlinear weighted least-squares with singular-value decomposition to determine the optimal match between an aquifer test solution and your data.
Curve Matching
One-click matching allows you to simply point, click and drag and match a type curve or line to your data. AQTESOLV automatically updates hydraulic parameter values as you fit the curve!
Matching Cooper and Jacob (1946) solution to late-time data from a pumping test with two observation wells in an unconfined aquifer with delayed yield.
Sensitivity Analysis
Tweak parameter values to perform interactive sensitivity analysis and quickly fine tune the match of a solution to your data.
Using parameter tweaking to test sensitivity of Kz/Kr (hydraulic conductivity anisotropy) in Neuman (1974) solution for an unconfined aquifer with delayed yield.
Type Curves
Unlike traditional static type curves, active type curves provide you with a more interactive and repsonsive way to perform visual curve matching for variable-rate tests and solution methods involving families of curves.
Using active type curves to match data from an underdamped slug test with Butler (1998) solution for a high-K aquifer.
Type Curve
Use type curve families to visualize the sensitivity of a curve match to individual hydraulic properties and solution parameters.
Adding family of Neuman type curves and bounding Theis type curves to Neuman (1974) solution for an unconfined aquifer with delayed yield.
Curve Matching
AQTESOLV pioneered the integration of visual and automatic curve-matching methods into a single software package for the most flexible and efficient interpretation of aquifer test data.
Nonlinear Weighted Least Squares
One-click matching allows you to simply point, click and drag and match a type curve or line to your data. AQTESOLV automatically updates hydraulic parameter values as you move the curve!
Singular Value Decomposition
AQTESOLV is the only aquifer test software that provides Active Type Curves, a feature which greatly enhances visual curve matching. Active Type Curves expand visual curve matching capabilities for variable-rate pumping tests and aquifer tests with wellbore storage, leakage, delayed gravity response and double-porosity behavior.
Traditional methods of visual curve matching implemented by other aquifer test analysis software are limited by static type curves and static type curve families.
- Static curves are unable to accommodate more complex conditions arising from boundary effects, variable pumping rates, aquitard storage and double-porosity behavior.
- Active Type Curves, which automatically adapt to specific test and aquifer conditions, overcome the limitations of static type curves.