
Q How do I enter pumping rates for a recovery test?
A For a recovery test, enter at least two pumping periods for the pumping well.

In v4.0 and higher, choose Edit>Wells>Modify to enter enter pumping history information; in older versions, choose Edit>Pumping Well>Edit.

  1. Click Rates tab (v3.0+) or the Edit button (older versions).
  2. For the drawdown portion of the test, enter a time of 0.0 and the initial pumping rate for the first pumping period. For a variable-rate drawdown test, enter additional pumping periods for each change in rate. Enter the elapsed time (since the start of the test) and the new pumping rate for each pumping period.
  3. For the recovery portion of the test, enter the time when the test stopped and a rate of 0.0 for the final pumping period.