Inactive Solution

Q Why is the option for the Theis residual drawdown (recovery) method inactive (gray or dimmed) when I try to choose a confined aquifer solution?
  1. In v4.0 and higher, select Edit>Wells>Modify; in older versions, select Edit>Pumping Well>Edit.
  2. Click the Rates tab (v3.0+) or the Edit button (older versions) to verify that you have entered a recovery pumping period with the rate equal to 0.0 at the time when pumping stopped.
  3. In v4.0 and higher, select Edit>Wells>Modify; in older versions, select Edit>Obs. Well>Edit.
  4. Click the Observations tab (v3.0+) or the Edit button to verify that your observation well data include residual drawdown measurements recorded after pumping stopped.