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Mounding Analysis
The MOUNDSOLV Wizard is a new software product that predicts groundwater mounding beneath rectangular recharge areas overlying horizontal and sloping aquifers.
Transient and
Steady-State Models
Use the MOUNDSOLV Wizard to simulate the growth of a groundwater mound under either transient or steady-state conditions with recent analytical solutions by Zlotnik et al. (2017).
Visualization and
Reporting Tools
Interpret mounding simulations with visualization and reporting tools (contour plots, profile charts, time-series charts and a detailed report) built into the MOUNDSOLV Wizard.

Use the MOUNDSOLV Wizard to evaluate impacts due to groundwater mounding in the design and assessment of groundwater recharge/infiltration BMPs:
- Stormwater infiltration structures
- Sewage disposal/septic systems
- Managed aquifer recharge
- Runoff exfiltration (e.g., drywells)
- Flooding potential at nearby structures
The MOUNDSOLV Wizard provides you with easy-to-use tools for assessing groundwater mounding conditions:
- Predict maximum height of a groundwater mound
- Plot water-table rise due to mounding along profiles
- Forecast water-table rise at user-specified monitoring points
- Simulate decay of mound after recharge stops
- Account for horizontal or sloping initial water table (aquifer slope)
- Rotate infiltration BMP with respect to map axes and/or aquifer slope
- View results in graphical and report formats
- Copy and paste plots and reports into other documents
- Print or save plots and reports
Groundwater Mounding Analysis Made Easy
The MOUNDSOLV Wizard provides a wizard-style interface that guides you through entering data and viewing mounding results in two easy steps.
Step 1: Enter Data
Enter all of the data required for a groundwater mounding simulation in one simple Input step. Context-sensitive help guides you through the data entry process and detailed online documentation is only a mouse click away.

Step 2: View Results
The Results step provides you with a detailed report as well as options for visualizing mounding simulation results with contour, profile and time-series plots included in the software.
Copy and paste plots and reports into other documents. Print or save results in graphical (.bmp, .emf, .gif, .jpg or .png) or report (.htm) formats.
Contour Plot

Profile Chart


Solution Methods
The MOUNDSOLV Wizard predicts the transient or steady-state rise of the water table beneath a rectangular recharge area using mathematical solutions by Zlotnik et al. (2017) for horizontal and uniformly sloping unconfined aquifers.

The solutions implemented in the MOUNDSOLV Wizard permit arbitrary orientation of both the aquifer dip and the recharge area through independent rotation angles, and , respectively. The angle is the rotation of the aquifer dip from the axis and the angle is the rotation of the axis of the recharge area from the dip direction as shown in the figure below.

The Zlotnik et al. (2017) mounding solutions included in the MOUNDSOLV Wizard allow you to simulate horizontal and sloping aquifers as well as transient and steady-state conditions. The Zlotnik et al. solutions improve upon an earlier solution by Hantush (1967) which limits you to a horizontal aquifer under transient conditions.
System Requirements
The MOUNDSOLV Wizard is a 64-bit application intended for recent versions of the Windows operating system.
- Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit)
- 10 MB free hard disk space
- 32 MB RAM (used by app)
Send an email to to request a demo version of the MOUNDSOLV Wizard and experience the features and capabilities of the software.
- Do I need any other software to use the MOUNDSOLV Wizard?
- No. The MOUNDSOLV Wizard is a self-contained product. You do not need a copy of AQTESOLV (our popular software for aquifer test analysis) or any external graphics packages.
- Can I simulate steady mound buildup with the MOUNDSOLV Wizard?
- Yes. You may use the MOUNDSOLV Wizard to model the buildup (growth) of a groundwater mound for a specified duration of constant recharge.
- Can I simulate mound buildup and decay with the MOUNDSOLV Wizard?
- Yes. You may use the MOUNDSOLV Wizard to model both the buildup (growth) of a groundwater mound and (optionally) its decay after recharge has ended.
- Can I assess groundwater mounding at nearby structures with the MOUNDSOLV Wizard?
- Yes. You may enter monitoring points in the MOUNDSOLV Wizard to predict mounding growth and decay at locations of interest.
- How is the MOUNDSOLV Wizard different from other groundwater mounding software?
- Other software tools for groundwater mounding analysis assume an aquifer with horizontal base and horizontal initial water table as required by a transient analytical solution by Hantush (1967); however, not all aquifers meet this horizontal assumption. Therefore, the MOUNDSOLV Wizard includes a more advanced mathematical solution by Zlotnik et al. (2017) that accommodates both horizontal and dipping aquifers. In addition, you may simulate transient and steady-state conditions with the MOUNDSOLV Wizard.
- Where can I find documentation for the software?
- In-depth documentation for the MOUNDSOLV Wizard is available online. Help buttons in the wizard allow you to access the online help directly from the software. HydroSOLVE updates the documentation regularly.
The MOUNDSOLV Wizard is available from HydroSOLVE, Inc. at the affordable introductory price of USD $200 for a single-user license and one year of maintenance. Maintenance renewal is available for USD $75 annually.
Purchase a single-user license and one year of maintenance for the MOUNDSOLV Wizard through our secure payment gateway.
Upon receipt of payment, HydroSOLVE, Inc. will send you an email with instructions for downloading, installing and activating the software.
All sales are final. All prices are subject to change.
The MOUNDSOLV Wizard is a standalone product and does not require that you have a license for AQTESOLV.
Getting Help
The MOUNDSOLV Wizard is designed to be intuitive and easy to use. If you do have a question, please follow the steps below to get quick answers to your questions about the software.
Help: Step 1
Are you just getting started with the MOUNDSOLV Wizard? Be sure to perform the Quick Start Tutorial and examples to get up to speed quickly with the use of the software.
Help: Step 2
Context Help provides quick reminders about input parameters. Click ? at the top of the wizard interface and then click on an input field to view a reminder.

Help: Step 3
Click the Help button located at the lower right of the wizard interface to open in-depth online documentation in your web browser. Online help also includes a FAQ and how-to videos.
Help: Step 4
HydroSOLVE, Inc. provides software support via email for one year from the date of your MOUNDSOLV Wizard purchase (additional support beyond the first year is available with annual maintenance). Be sure to include your contact information and software serial number in the email to with your question.
Please limit your inquiries to the operation of the software. Questions relating to your project, site, hydrogeologic parameter selection, engineering design, interpretation of results or other professional advice are not included in software support.