Step-Drawdown Test Analysis
"I have been using AQTESOLV since 1989. It has been a great educational tool and I highly recommend it to all groundwater professionals."
--Prof. Al Woodbury, University of Manitoba
AQTESOLV has more features for the interpretation of step-drawdown tests than competing software. Other products limit step-drawdown test analysis to fully penetrating line-source wells in nonleaky confined aquifers.
AQTESOLV expands your options for step-drawdown tests to include solutions for leaky confined aquifers with options for partially penetrating wells and wellbore storage.
Tests in Leaky Confined Aquifers
Methods for step-drawdown tests in the literature typically assume nonleaky confined conditions; however, as shown by Bear (1979), most constant-rate pumping test solutions may be adapted for the analysis of linear and nonlinear well loss associated with step-drawdown tests.
AQTESOLV gives you a choice of models beyond nonleaky confined conditions for greater flexibility in your analysis of step-drawdown tests.
For example, AQTESOLV adapts the solution by Hantush and Jacob (1955) for the analysis of step-drawdown tests in leaky confined aquifers (Figure 1).

See also: step-drawdown tests