AQTESOLV Product News
October 22, 2019
HydroSOLVE, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of the MOUNDSOLV Wizard, a new software product for groundwater mounding analysis. The software features new analytical solutions by Zlotnik et al. (2017) for the simulation of transient or steady-state water-table rise and decay in both horizontal and sloping aquifers.

November 15, 2012
What is the best pumping test analysis software? Groundwater professionals, responding to a recent poll on LinkedIn, overwhelmingly chose AQTESOLV as their preferred software for pumping test analysis (see our AQTEBLOG post as well).

Here's a sample of the comments posted by participants in the poll who voted for AQTESOLV as their preferred pumping test software:
- "AQTESOLV [has] a great solution set with real flexibility."
- "AQTESOLV is not only a great solution but is user friendly and has great customer support that comes along with it."
- "AQTESOLV is the industry's standard. Glenn D[uffield] does a great job with continuing updating and improving an already superb product."
- "AQTESOLV is a fantastic tool. Easy to use, informative help documentation, and great customer support."
- "Totally agree with the other commenters [regarding AQTESOLV]. Glenn [Duffield] has built a wonderful product that is both powerful and user-friendly. Oh, and speaking of friendly, if a person has a question about the software, Glenn is very quick to provide help, either by phone or email. Great product, great customer service. What more could you want?"
- "AQTESOLV works for me...."
- "AQTESOLV spans the universe of practical hydrogeology tools for aquifer test analysis, easy to use, great documentation, great support.....hav[e] been using it forever. GREAT product!"
- "AQTESOLV without question!"
- "Great product and unbeatable support. My choice by far."
- "Absolutely AQTESOLV. I would never try anything else because I can't imagine any problem that Glenn Duffield couldn't help me solve!"
- "I believe that AQTESOLV is built for ground water professionals at all skill levels....and is the only software capable of serving advanced-level hydrogeologists. Glenn Duffield created AQTESOLV and has provides me world-class customer service when I have questions about solutions and software."
- "I have have been using AQTESOLV and collaborating with Glenn Duffield since the early 90's. Can't imagine working with any other program."
- "Have been using AQTESOLV since the 90s. Outstanding package and great support!"
- "I have used AQTESOLV for a few decades. I like it. I have also seen and briefly used one of the competitors, which seemed OK. It wasn't better; I was not motivated to change."
- "AQTESOLV just keeps evolving, offering a wide range of analytical solutions. And Glenn has been very responsive in providing support when needed."
- "I too have been collaborating with Glenn Duffield for decades and have consistently obtained excellent results using AQTESOLV. Excellent software and unparalleled tech support. I see no benefit to trying other aquifer analysis software."
- "I consider AQTESOLV to be the best computer software for aquifer analysis. Glenn Duffield continues to improve his software and provides excellent customer support."
- "No contest. AQTESOLV."
- "AQTESOLV and it's not even close."
- "I have also been working with Glen[n] Duffield for over a decade using AQTESOLV for analysis of a wide variety of test datasets. I especially appreciate the ability to easily search for and optimize a solution by directly varying the starting point for parameters in automated fitting so as to explore the uniqueness of the solution."
Thanks to everyone who voted in the poll and for all of the kind words!
AQTESOLV is the most advanced slug test analysis software tool, too!
August 12, 2011
HydroSOLVE, Inc. is pleased to announce an upcoming short course featuring AQTESOLV in October 2011:
Aquifer Testing for Improved Hydrogeologic Site Characterization Featuring AQTESOLV and the In-Situ LevelTROLL (October 5 and 6, 2011 in Fort Collins, CO, USA)
Visit our educational section for more information!
Find reflections on this course in a blog post.
June 10, 2011
HydroSOLVE, Inc. is no longer bundling the TWODAN groundwater modeling software with AQTESOLV. TWODAN has been replaced by a new and more powerful program, AnAqSim, which is available from Fitts Geosolutions. Registered users of TWODAN are eligible for a discount when upgrading to AnAqSim.
April 18, 2011
HydroSOLVE, Inc. is pleased to announce an upcoming short course featuring AQTESOLV in May 2011:
Aquifer Testing for Improved Hydrogeologic Site Characterization Featuring AQTESOLV and the In-Situ LevelTROLL (May 17 and 18, 2011 in Mississauga, ON, Canada)
Visit our educational section for more information!
February 8, 2008
HydroSOLVE, Inc. is pleased to announce two short courses featuring AQTESOLV this month:
Aquifer Testing for Improved Hydrogeologic Site Characterization Featuring AQTESOLV and the In-Situ LevelTROLL (February 19 and 20, 2008 in Waterloo, ON, Canada)
Advanced Aquifer Testing Techniques Featuring AQTESOLV: New Concepts, Field Methods and Data Analysis Procedures (February 27 through 29, 2008 in San Antonio, TX, USA)
See what others have had to say about our previous courses!
July 18, 2007
HydroSOLVE, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of AQTESOLV v4.5, the world's leading software for the analysis of aquifer tests.
- New Solution for Pumping Tests in Unconfined Aquifers! Analyze data from pumping tests in unconfined aquifers using an important new solution by Tartakovsky and Neuman (2007) that accounts for 3D saturated/unsaturated flow.
- New Solution for Step-Drawdown Tests in Confined Aquifers! Analyze data from step-drawdown tests in confined aquifers using a modification of the solution by Dougherty and Babu (1984).
- Updated Help System! Find more examples and information in the revised help system for this version.
Find more information about AQTESOLV v4.5 in our AQTEBLOG post!
April 3, 2007
HydroSOLVE, Inc. and Midwest Geosciences are pleased to announce a two-day workshop that will feature AQTESOLV! Glenn M. Duffield, developer of AQTESOLV, Dr. Jim Butler, author of The Design, Performance, and Analysis of Slug Tests, and Christopher J. Neville from S.S. Papadopulos & Associates will be the instructors for this course at the University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada.
Aquifer Testing for Improved Hydrogeologic Site Characterization Featuring AQTESOLV and the In-Situ LevelTROLL (August 16 and 17, 2007)
See what others have had to say about our previous courses!
Check out our blog posts from Day 1 and Day 2 of the course in Calgary!
December 6, 2006
HydroSOLVE, Inc. and Midwest Geosciences are pleased to announce a three-day workshop that will feature AQTESOLV! Glenn M. Duffield, developer of AQTESOLV, and Dr. Jim Butler, author of The Design, Performance, and Analysis of Slug Tests, will be the principal instructors for this course to be held at the University of San Diego in California. In addition, we are privileged to have Dr. Shlomo P. Neuman from the University of Arizona join us as a special guest lecturer.
Advanced Aquifer Testing Techniques Featuring AQTESOLV: New Concepts, Field Methods and Data Analysis Procedures (February 27 through March 1, 2007)
Conducting pumping tests and slug tests in complex hydrogeologic settings such as heterogeneous or fractured media is a key element to site characterization, water resources assessment and remediation system design; however, poorly planned aquifer testing programs often lead to suspect data or unanswered questions after the field work is complete. Even when you are confident of the geologic conditions, you may have difficulty designing effective tests, running field equipment or selecting the best available model to analyze the test data. We have designed this powerful three-day course on aquifer testing design, field methods and data analysis techniques featuring AQTESOLV. This course will provide you with the knowledge to master aquifer tests from beginning to end.
See what others have had to say about our previous courses!
Check out all the fun from Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3 in San Diego at the AQTEBLOG!
July 17, 2006
HydroSOLVE, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of AQTESOLV v4.01, the world's leading software for the analysis of aquifer tests. This upgrade expands the capability of the Neuman-Witherspoon (1969) solution to include drawdown analysis for the unpumped aquifer and aquitard!
June 5, 2006
HydroSOLVE, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of AQTESOLV v4.0, the world's leading software for the analysis of aquifer tests. This major upgrade includes new solutions, data input enhancements, new curve matching tools, new plots, a thoroughly revised help system and much more!
- Analyze Constant-Head Tests! Analyze data from constant-head tests in confined, leaky and fractured aquifers.
- New Solutions for Nonuniform Aquifers! Analyze pumping tests using the Moench-Prickett (1972) solution for a confined aquifer undergoing conversion to unconfined conditions or the Butler (1988) solution for a nonuniform (heterogeneous) confined aquifer.
- Generalized Radial Flow Model! Analyze pumping tests and constant-head tests using the Barker (1988) solution for a confined or double-porosity fractured aquifer.
- New Solution for a Water-Table Aquitard! Analyze pumping tests using the Cooley-Case (1973) solution for a leaky confined aquifer with a water-table aquitard.
- New Solution for an Underdamped Slug Test! Analyze slug tests using the Butler-Zhan (2004) solution for multi-well slug tests in a confined aquifer with fully and partially penetrating wells, inertial effects in the test and observation wells, and frictional loss.
- New Solution for an Slug Test in Well Screened Across Water Table! Analyze slug tests using the Dagan (1978) solution for a slug test in an unconfined aquifer in a well screen across the water table.
- New Solution for an Slug Test in Fractured Aquifer! Analyze slug tests using the Barker-Black (1985) solution for slug tests in a double-porosity fractured aquifer.
- New Solution for an Slug Test in Confined Aquifer with Wellbore Skin! Analyze slug tests using the Barker-Black (1985) solution for slug tests in a confined aquifer with wellbore skin and delayed observation well response.
- New Solution for a Horizontal Well! Analyze pumping tests in horizontal well using the Daviau et al. (1985) solution for confined aquifers.
- New Solution for Step-Drawdown Tests in Leaky Aquifers! Analyze step-drawdown tests using the Hantush-Jacob (1955) solution for leaky confined aquifers.
- New Solution for Infinite-Conductivity Vertical Fractures! Analyze pumping tests using the Gringarten et al. (1974) solution for an infinite-conductivity vertical fracture.
- New Solution for Step-Drawdown Tests in Leaky Aquifers! Analyze step-drawdown tests using the Hantush-Jacob (1955) solution for leaky confined aquifers.
- Automatic Image Well Generation! Enter boundary locations and let AQTESOLV automatically generate image wells for you.
- Distance-Drawdown Plots! Use distance-drawdown plots to analyze data with any pumping test solution.
- Agarwal Plots! Analyze recovery data using Agarwal's method for pumping tests and constant-head tests.
- Delayed Observation Well Response! Account for delayed response in observation wells during a pumping test.
- Solution Expert! Query AQTESOLV to find solutions that meet the conditions of your aquifer test (e.g., wellbore storage, partial penetration, wellbore skin, variable pumping rate, etc.).
- Distance-Drawdown Plots! Analyze distance-drawdown plots to analyze data with any pumping test solution.
- New Solution for Groundwater Mounding! Predict and contour the height of a groundwater mound for rectangular and circular recharge area using methods by Hantush (1967).
- Batch Printing! Print results from a group of AQTESOLV data sets with consistent formats in one step.
- New Interface Features! New plots, a new diagnostic tool for checking slopes on graphs and simplified well entry make AQTESOLV v4.0 even more powerful than before.
- Revised Help System! AQTESOLV v4.0 introduces a new and improved HTML Help system with a wealth of new information and examples.
December 8, 2005
HydroSOLVE, Inc. and Midwest Geosciences are pleased to announce a three-day workshop that will feature AQTESOLV! Glenn M. Duffield, developer of AQTESOLV, and Jim Butler, author of The Design, Performance, and Analysis of Slug Tests, will be the instructors for this course to be held at the University of Miami in Florida.
Advanced Aquifer Testing Techniques Featuring AQTESOLV: New Concepts, Field Methods and Data Analysis Procedures (February 28 through March 2, 2006)
Pumping tests and slug tests are perhaps the most commonly-used techniques for measuring hydraulic conductivity in hydrogeologic investigations relating to water supply, mining, remediation and groundwater fate/transport. In this workshop, hydrogeologists and engineers of all experience levels will gain an advantage by improving their skills in the design, performance and analysis of these tests. Join us for the only course that features hands-on data analysis using AQTESOLV, the world's leading software for the analysis of aquifer tests. Those attending the course will receive a free copy of Jim Butler's book plus a special discount offer on the AQTESOLV software.
Based on comments received from participants, the course was an unqualified success!
July 6, 2004
HydroSOLVE, Inc. is pleased to announce a workshop at the annual symposium of the Arizona Hydrological Society that will feature AQTESOLV in September 2004! Glenn M. Duffield, president of HydroSOLVE, will be on hand to lead the course.
Aquifer Test Analysis Featuring AQTESOLV (September 15, 2004)
Improve your expertise at using AQTESOLV, the industry leader in computer assisted design and analysis of aquifer tests. Glenn Duffield, president of HydroSOLVE, Inc. and AQTESOLV software developer, will lead participants in hands-on data analysis and advanced aquifer test topics in this full day workshop. Expect to further the proficiency you need to analyze constant and variable-rate pumping tests, single and multiple-well tests, tests in fractured rocks, derivative plots, and much more. Participants are encouraged to bring their own datasets and notebook computers for use on example problems.
February 7, 2004
HydroSOLVE, Inc. announces a new short course from the Midwest Geosciences Group that will feature AQTESOLV in March 2004! Glenn M. Duffield, president of HydroSOLVE, will be present during these courses to lead hands-on sessions using AQTESOLV.
Improving Hydrogeologic Analysis of Fractured Bedrock Systems with a Field Trip Inside the Yucca Mountain Repository (March 16-18, 2004)
The workshop includes a field trip to one of the most intensely investigated fractured bedrock systems in the world, the U.S. Department of Energy’s proposed high-level radioactive repository at Yucca Mountain. The course will bring together fundamental and innovative approaches for improving our understanding of fractured bedrock settings and their associated properties, and focus on answering common questions that face practitioners during site characterization and remediation. A computer session will consist of a hands-on data analysis exercises using AQTESOLV software.
July 29, 2003
Please contact HydroSOLVE, Inc. if you are interested in AQTESOLV short courses.
February 12, 2003
HydroSOLVE, Inc. announces two short courses from the Midwest Geosciences Group that will feature AQTESOLV in May 2003! Glenn M. Duffield, president of HydroSOLVE, will be present during these courses to lead hands-on sessions using AQTESOLV.
Advances in Pumping and Slug Testing for Improved Site Characterization: New Concepts, Field Methods and Data Analysis Techniques (May 19-20, 2003)
This comprehensive two-day course will provide attendees with the practical knowledge to significantly improve the design, performance, and analysis of pumping and slug tests. Personnel from Geoprobe Systems will demonstrate the latest field methods for pumping and slug testing using direct push equipment. The computer session consists of a hands-on data analysis exercises using the AQTESOLV software.
Improving Hydrogeologic Analysis of Bedrock Systems (May 21-22, 2003)
This comprehensive two-day course will provide attendees with the practical knowledge to significantly improve hydrogeologic analysis of fractured bedrock including carbonate, crystalline, and metamorphic rocks. Participants will learn and practice describing rock core for hydrogeologic projects and estimating core recovery and Rock Quality Designation (RQD). The computer session consists of a hands-on data analysis exercises using the AQTESOLV software.
December 5, 2002
HydroSOLVE, Inc. announces the release of AQTESOLV v3.5, our leading aquifer test analysis software. The upgrade includes new solutions, data input enhancements, new curve matching tools, new plots and much more!
- New Solutions! Analyze slug tests with inertial effects (oscillatory response) using the Springer-Gelhar (1991) and Butler (1998) solutions for a partially penetrating well in an anisotropic confined or unconfined high-K aquifer.
- Forward Solution (Prediction) Wizard! A new Data Set Wizard helps you create a data set to simulate a pumping test before you go in the field.
- Multi-Well Slug Tests! Analyze a slug test with observation wells (in addition to the test well)!
- New Recovery Data Plot! Plot recovery data on residual drawdown plot (s' vs. t/t') for any pumping test solution.
- New Derivative Plot Combine displacement and derivative data on a single plot and match curves to both simultaneously!
- New Slug Test Plot! Switch between log-linear or linear-log axes for transient models of slug-induced flow and quickly identify steady-state flow conditions.
- Visual Matching Guides for Slug Tests! Improve curve matching for Hvorslev and Bouwer-Rice solutions using normalized head ranges recommended by Butler (1998).
- Normalized Head Option! Plot slug test data as either head, H(t), or normalized head, H(t)/H(0).
- Activate/Deactivate Wells! Quickly activate or deactivate observation wells during automatic estimation to focus your analysis on a subset of wells.
- Enhanced Options for Type Curve Families! Choose from even more options for displaying and matching type curve families.
- Quick Tips! Optionally enable quick tips that help guide you through the program with useful hints and directions.
- And More! Check out the recent enhancements available in v3.0 and v2.5.
January 17, 2002
HydroSOLVE, Inc. proudly announces two short courses from the Midwest Geosciences Group that will feature AQTESOLV in the coming year! Glenn M. Duffield, president of HydroSOLVE, will be present during these courses to lead hands-on sessions using AQTESOLV.
Improving Hydrogeologic Investigations: Advances in Characterizing Groundwater Movement Through Glacial Sequences (June 20-21, 2002)
This two-day short course/workshop will begin with unraveling the complexity of glacial sequences applied to hydrogeologic site characterization followed by an assessment of the advances in the design, performance and analysis of slug tests. The instructors teach a comprehensive array of concepts ranging from geologic principles to advanced groundwater hydraulics. It will include various field exercises and data analyses using AQTESOLV. The first day focuses on practical techniques for improving observational, interpretive, descriptive, and application of glacial stratigraphy. On the second day, the workshop will focus on slug testing and will include low-permeability conditions and direct-push (Geoprobe™) boreholes.
Improving Hydrogeologic Analysis of Bedrock Systems (June 18-19, 2002)
This two-day short course/workshop will provide attendees with the practical knowledge to significantly improve hydrogeologic analysis of fractured bedrock including carbonate, crystalline, and metamorphic rocks. The first day consists of real-world applications for evaluating the role of bedrock fractures in ground-water movement and contaminant transport. Special attention will be given to the inherent difficulties of ground water modeling in fractured bedrock systems. The second day includes a comprehensive comparison of different hydrogeologic field tests and analytical methods for characterizing aquifer properties. Participants will use AQTESOLV to conduct data analyses of pumping and slug testing problem sets. This course includes various workshop sessions of hands-on descriptions of fractured rock core, estimation of core recovery and Rock Quality Designation (RQD).
August 24, 2001
Glenn M. Duffield, president of HydroSOLVE, Inc. and developer of AQTESOLV, will present a half-day workshop on Friday September 14, 2001 at the Arizona Hydrological Society Symposium 2001.
April 26, 2001
HydroSOLVE, Inc. announces two short courses that will feature AQTESOLV this fall!
Advances in Pumping and Slug Testing for Improved Site Characterization: New Concepts, Field Techniques and Data Analysis (September 11-12, 2001)
This two-day workshop will focus on practical field-proven techniques for the design, performance and analysis of pumping and slug tests that will lead to improved hydrogeologic and geotechnical site characterization. It includes an in-depth presentation on recent advances in testing methods and data analysis procedures using AQTESOLV software. An important emphasis of the field sessions will be new technologies for testing low-permeable formations and applications using direct push (Geoprobe) methods.
Aquifer Tests: Operation and Parameter Estimation (September 10-11, 2001)
This two-day short course sponsored by NGWA focuses on two aspects of aquifer testing: (1) proper design and operation of aquifer tests and (2) valid application of analytical and numerical models to field data. Course instruction will include hands-on data analysis using AQTESOLV. For details, visit the NGWA web site!
March 1, 2001
Glenn M. Duffield, developer of AQTESOLV and president of HydroSOLVE, recently presented a three-day short course on advanced methods of aquifer test analysis to the Office of Surface Mining TIPS program. The course featured a comprehensive set of lecture notes on CD-ROM plus hands-on tutorials and problem sets using AQTESOLV.
February 1, 2001
HydroSOLVE, Inc. is pleased to announce that the popular textbook Applied Hydrogeology, Fourth Edition by C.W. Fetter features a special educational version of AQTESOLV.
November 29, 2000
HydroSOLVE, Inc. introduces the AQTESOLV for Windows Users' Group, a free technical support service for distributing important information such as upgrade notices, software tips, examples and tutorials!
October 24, 2000
HydroSOLVE, Inc. proudly announces that the Office of Surface Mining TIPS program has selected AQTESOLV to be part of its 2001 Core Software!
The Technical Information Processing System (TIPS) is a nationwide system of networked computers that has been jointly developed by the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) and the coal-mining States and Tribes. TIPS provides a comprehensive set of analytical computer tools to aid in technical decision-making processes related to the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977.
Among other advantages, OSM chose AQTESOLV for its suite of fractured aquifer solutions which now includes discrete fracture models.
October 23, 2000
AQTESOLV v3.0 introduced automated contouring with Surfer (a popular contouring application from Golden Software). Include Surfer with your next order from HydroSOLVE!
August 4, 2000
A new short course offered by the National Ground Water Association (NGWA) will feature AQTESOLV. Aquifer Tests: Operation and Parameter Estimation, presented by Dale Ralston and Allan Wylie, will include hands-on instruction using AQTESOLV. For details, visit the NGWA web site!
July 24, 2000
HydroSOLVE, Inc. announces the availability of AQTESOLV v3.0, a major upgrade to our leading aquifer test analysis software. The new version includes new solutions, data input enhancements, new curve matching tools, new diagnostic plots, interactive sensitivity analysis, contouring and much more!
- New Solution! Analyze slug tests using the Hyder et al. (1994) solution also known as the KGS Model for a partially penetrating well in an anisotropic confined or unconfined aquifer with well skin.
- New Solution! Analyze pumping tests using the Neuman-Witherspoon (1969) solution for a two-aquifer leaky system that accounts for drawdown in an unpumped aquifer.
- New Solution! Analyze pumping tests using the Gringarten-Witherspoon (1972) solution for a fractured aquifer with a single vertical plane fracture.
- New Solution! Analyze pumping tests using the Gringarten-Ramey (1974) solution for a fractured aquifer with a single horizontal plane fracture.
- New Solution! Analyze pumping tests using the Murdoch (1994) solution for an interceptor trench in a confined aquifer.
- Easier Input! The new release complements AQTESOLV's popular data input wizards with more tabbed dialog boxes and helpful graphics to help you enter and edit aquifer test data quickly and efficiently.
- Improved Spreadsheet Input! Getting field data into AQTESOLV is easy with Import Wizards and copy/paste support. Edit, transform and filter your data in handy new spreadsheets.
- Active Type Curves! AQTESOLV introduces Active Type Curves, a new feature that greatly enhances visual curve matching. Active Type Curves expand visual curve matching capabilities for variable-rate pumping tests and aquifer systems with leakage, delayed gravity response and double-porosity behavior.
- New Tools for Curve Matching! The new release adds powerful tools and features for visual curve matching such as interactive sensitivity analysis and visual analysis of early and late time data in leaky and fractured aquifers.
- New Visual Matching with Derivative Plots! AQTESOLV paved the way with derivative plots for greater diagnostic capabilities. Now you can perform visual curve matching with derivative plots to fine-tune parameter estimates!
- Enhanced Options for Type Curve Families! Choose from even more options for displaying and matching type curve families.
- Create Contour Plots! Use AQTESOLV's new Grid Wizard to grid and display contour plots! For contouring, AQTESOLV automates Surfer, the popular and versatile software from Golden Software. Display plots in plan or cross-sectional views directly from AQTESOLV!
- New Diagnostic Plots! Choose from radial, linear, bilinear and spherical flow plots (commonly used in the petroleum industry) to help identify flow conditions such as wellbore storage, fracture flow and spherical flow.
David Dahlstrom of Barr Engineering had this to say about the new version of AQTESOLV,
"As always, I am astounded by the quality of your product."
Registered users of AQTESOLV v 1.x and 2.x may upgrade at special low prices. Contact HydroSOLVE for details!
December 7, 1999
HydroSOLVE, Inc. announces the release of a new software product, AQTESOLV/Modeling Pro! This new package, which bundles leading software products for aquifer test analysis and groundwater modeling, is a powerful tool and great value.
- AQTESOLV/Professional, the ORIGINAL all-in-one package for the analysis of pumping tests, slug tests, step tests and recovery tests.
- TWODAN, an advanced and easy-to-use groundwater modeling package using the analytic element method.
Dr. Charles Fitts, leading expert on analytic elements and author of TWODAN, states
"Fitts Geosolutions is pleased to be partnering with HydroSOLVE in offering this exciting new product."
For more details, start here!
September 23, 1999
Meet Glenn M. Duffield, author of AQTESOLV and president of HydroSOLVE, Inc., at the GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition in Denver on October 25-26, 1999.
- Attend a free AQTESOLV for Windows demonstration hosted by Glenn on October 26 between 3 and 4 pm.
- Look for Glenn at the RockWare exhibit (booth 713) on October 25.
Hope to see you there!
August 17, 1999
The AQTESOLV Knowledge Base now includes a suite of sample data sets. Use these examples to help you get off and running quickly!
May 13, 1999
HydroSOLVE, Inc. announces the availability of version 2.5 of its popular software, AQTESOLV, in 16- and 32-bit versions. The new release includes many new features and significant enhancements designed to increase the productivity of new and existing customers.
- Easier Input! The new release complements AQTESOLV's popular data input wizards with tabbed dialog boxes to help you enter and edit aquifer test data quickly and efficiently.
- Expanded Data Logger Support! New functions added to the Import Wizard accept data logger files containing date/clock time values.
- Copy Data From Spreadsheets! Use the Windows clipboard to copy test data from spreadsheets into AQTESOLV.
- Export Plots and Reports! Export plots and reports to Windows metafiles!
- Clipboard Support! Copy plots and reports to other Windows applications in Windows metafile format.
- Enhanced Options for Type Curve Families! Choose from new options for displaying type curve families with your matched solution.
- Style Gallery! Choose plot formats from new options provided exclusively by AQTESOLV. Include your own company logo on the output!
- Enhanced Output Control! Access more options than ever before to customize the appearance of plots including line styles, weights and colors!
- Updated Interface! In addition to the new tabbed dialog boxes, the new 32-bit version also offers dockable toolbars, Tip of the Day, web integration and more!
April 18, 1999
HydroSOLVE, Inc. now offers on-line registration for its popular AQTESOLV software.
January 19, 1999
HydroSOLVE, Inc. announces an exclusive discount available to In-Situ customers on the purchase of a new copy of AQTESOLV. If you use an In-Situ data logger product, contact HydroSOLVE for details on this special offer!
September 1, 1998
HydroSOLVE, Inc. begins direct marketing and sales of its popular aquifer test analysis software, AQTESOLV. Previously, ARCADIS Geraghty & Miller, Inc. acted as the sole distributor for the software. Now the program, technical support and updates are all available directly from the developer!
Glenn M. Duffield, president of HydroSOLVE, is the developer of the AQTESOLV line of products.